Serving You
The central administrative offices for the City of Orange City are located in the downtown business district at City Hall.
The offices located at City Hall include City Administrator, Community Development Director, and
City Clerk.
Department offices include public works, park and recreation, police, municipal utilities, Â finance, arts council, code enforcement, and events and brand.
A variety of public services that are available at City Hall:
- Various permits and licenses
- City cemetery services
- City records–City Council minutes, resolutions and ordinances
- City payroll, personnel, and bookkeeping
- Garbage and solid waste services
- Street and sewer maintenance
- Utility services
City Hall is also the central office for the following Boards and Commissions:
- Park & Recreation Board
- Variance Board
- Planning and Zoning Commission
- Library Board
For more information or assistance call City of Orange City at 712-707-4885.