The Orange City Recreation Programs offer exciting and enriching programs for children starting at 3 years of age, to programs offered for adults. Our goal is to provide positive and exciting social opportunities through recreation and leisure programming. The programs are offered at various sites throughout Orange City, and the participants of these activities can be assured they will receive the following benefits:
- A safe haven to socialize and recreate with their peers.
- A time set aside to teach life long lasting activities.
- Team building and collaboration.
- Programming that incorporates character development in confidence, integrity, leadership and teamwork.
- Great Arts and Crafts programming offered daily.
special thanks
Thank you to the numerous volunteers who make the programs successful. Without the many volunteers who give so generously of their time, many of our programs would not be offered.
Noah Minnick
Director – Parks and Recreation
I am a lifelong resident of Orange City and a graduate of Northwestern College. I have worked for the city full-time for 2 years. First as the Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, and as of July 2023 the Parks and Recreation Director. I strive to provide people of all ages with great recreational programs and opportunities to stay active and healthy. I also want to provide safe parks and trails where people can relax, play, and connect with one another. I look forward to serving the citizens of Orange City!
For more information contact Noah Minnik, Orange City Parks and Recreation Director, at 712-707-4885 or
Jaaron Paugh
Parks and Recreation Assistant
For more information contact Jaaron Paugh, Orange City Parks and Recreation Assistant, at
712-707-4885 or
Brian Goslinga
Park Supervisor
Hi have worked for the city as the parks supervisor for over 10 years. I have a genuine care and commitment to seeing that Orange City has parks that are clean and well-kept. Throughout the summer and fall seasons, I supervise over 10 employees.
For more information contact Brian Goslinga, Orange City Parks and Recreation Supervisor, at
712-707-2761 or