Rod De Boer
John Buntsma
Nora Mulder
(712) 737-3670
Mike Hofman
(712) 707-4510
Funds and Grants
Grant amounts are based on 50% of actual exterior cost of front with a max of $75,000 for approved new fronts. Maintenance funding available up to $5,000 within a 5-year period for previously funded fronts. Funds are dispersed when the project is completed.
Matching Funds from the City of Orange City.
Applications taken anytime.
Application Process
Step 1: Select
Select a contractor/architect to design your Dutch front.
Step 2: Submit
Submit a proposal and cost estimate for committee review and approval.
Step 3: Approval
Approval from City Council for matching funds.
Step 4: Build
Build the Dutch Front as approved.
Step 5: Funds
Funds for matching amount are distributed after cost invoices are provided and approved.
For more information contact Kurt Frederes, Code Enforcement Officer and Building Inspector, at 712-707-4885 or