City Council & Mayor
The City of Orange City is chartered as a Mayor-Council form of government. Orange City’s City Council is elected on a non-partisan basis. The City Council is composed of a Mayor and five other council members, all of whom are elected. The Mayor serves a two year term while the Council members serve a four year term.
The City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 4:30pm unless the Monday is a holiday, then the meeting is moved to Tuesday. Agendas and meeting information are distributed on the Friday before the scheduled meeting. Council meetings are held at City Hall (125 Central Ave. SE), on the lower level which is accessible via an elevator or stairway.
The Mayor presides at all Council meetings; however, the position casts no votes. The Mayor appoints all City officers subject to Council approval and appoints members to various boards and commissions. If you have an item you wish to bring before the City Council, please contact City Administrator, Earl Woudstra at 712-707-4885 or
City Council agendas are posted at City Hall at a minimum of 24 hours in advance. To review minutes from previous City Council meetings, see Official Notices and Publications.
Current Members

2019 Strategic Planning Session
annual strategic planning sessions
Each Fall, the City Council and Management Staff conduct a day-long planning session to review and update the City’s Goal and Objectives. While the previous year’s progress is assessed, future needs and projects are identified and prioritized. Results are utilized by staff to determine budget, planning schedules and tasks assignments. Throughout the year, the strategic planning documents are reviewed to ensure progress is made in meeting objectives.
Alton-Orange City joint council meetings
Orange City and Alton’s city councils meeting
Three to four times a year, the City Councils of Alton and Orange City and their management staff meet to discuss issues of mutual concern. Alton is located only two miles east of Orange City. A spirit of cooperation has emerged that has established a firm foundation of cooperation and leveraging of resources. Both cities mutually benefit from sharing law enforcement, water treatment services, and other department personnel and equipment when possible.
mayor’s luncheons
Occasionally, the Mayor’s office will organize a “Mayor’s Luncheon” to gather input from community residents on issues of public importance. Meeting results are then shared with the City Council to provide future direction. Topics discussed include retail and industrial development, housing development, and city recreational needs.
customer appreciation picnic
A city-wide picnic has been served in the downtown Windmill Square since 2004 by the City Council, staff and employees to show appreciation to Orange City residents for their loyalty and patronage of the Municipal Utilities that include electric, natural gas and communications. The evening includes a complimentary barbeque, entertainment and tours of public facilities during Grand Openings or Open Houses. Crowds usually exceed 1200 guests.
Jen Vogel handing out popsicles at the annual customer appreciation picnic
City employees enjoying steak sandwiches at the annual customer appreciation picnic