Attention artists! Join us in transforming the cement pavement at Windmill Park into a vibrant museum of chalk art and compete for exciting prizes. The event will take place as part of Arts on Central, August 21, 2024. Registration is FREE and REQUIRED!
As visitors stroll by, they can watch these beautiful creations come to life, vote for their favorites, and even try their hand at chalk art. The event features live music, delicious food, and fun activities for everyone. Both individual artists and groups of up to four people are welcome to participate.
Remember, these “paintings” are temporary, lasting only until the next rainfall, so be sure to catch a glimpse before they disappear. Come celebrate a lively and colorful weekend with us, showcasing community talent and encouraging creativity in people of all ages and abilities through this unique art form.
Registration deadline is August 16. For more information and to register, go to: orangecityarts.org/our-programs/chalkart
If you are unable to register online, download and print the forms and email info@orangecityarts.org or return to our office at 509 8th St SE, Orange City by August 16.