DRAWING. For high schoolers, adults, &  parent-youth duos
March 12, 19 & 26. 7:00-8:30 pm Thursdays. Northwestern College Korver Art Center, Room 103.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to draw, this course is for you. It provides introductory instruction in gesture, line, value, and proportions. You will learn the foundations of drawing technique through demonstration, discussion, and instructor assistance. No experience is necessary! Materials will be provided for in-class use.
Teacher: Alissa Sinclair, an art & education double major at Northwestern, from Colorado.
Register by March 5: $20. After March 5: $30.
Parent-youth duos: register by March 5: $30. After March 5: $40.
MORE INFO: 712-707-4885 ocArts@orangecityiowa.com
REGISTER! Send name, age (if youth), class, email address, phone number & payment to Orange City Arts Council, PO Box 202, Orange City IA 51041 or drop in city hall slot.