Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Join us as Rachel Van Voorst talks about the benefits of green cleaning and shares some of her favorite recipes! After the presentation make your own cleaning products using the recipes provided!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Come join us for family movie night on Monday nights during the summer reading program (except for June 5). Fresh popcorn and a grand prize entry slip will be given to all who attend! June 12 - Akeelah and the Bee June 19 - The Lego Movie June 26 - Field of Dreams July 3 […]
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Join us for story time featuring stories that "Build a Better World". Today we will focus on community helpers - SANITATION & RECYCLING workers! We will have special guests read a few stories, do some movement/song activities and end with a fun craft! We might even have a fashion show...curious? Come and see!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Town Square Coffeehouse will present an overview of coffee including different types of beans, flavor profiles, roasting methods, brewing techniques, and more!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Come join us for family movie night on Monday nights during the summer reading program (except for June 5). Fresh popcorn and a grand prize entry slip will be given to all who attend! June 12 - Akeelah and the Bee June 19 - The Lego Movie June 26 - Field of Dreams July 3 […]
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Join us for story time featuring stories that "Build a Better World". Today we will focus on community helpers -POLICE OFFICERS! We will have a special guest read 3-4 stories, do some movement/song activities and end with a fun craft!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Pool
803 2nd St SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Earn your ticket by reading and bring it to the Orange City Swimming Pool to splash and play with other participants of the summer reading program in a fun 2-hour free swim, followed by a watermelon treat!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Come join us for family movie night on Monday nights during the summer reading program (except for June 5). Fresh popcorn and a grand prize entry slip will be given to all who attend! June 12 - Akeelah and the Bee June 19 - The Lego Movie June 26 - Field of Dreams July 3 […]
City Hall Gym
125 Central Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Back by popular demand-the Great Plains Zoo of Sioux Falls will present two shows. Choose to come early to get your ticket into either the 10am showing or the 11am showing.
City Hall Gym
125 Central Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Back by popular demand-the Great Plains Zoo of Sioux Falls will present two shows. Choose to come early to get your ticket into either the 10am showing or the 11am showing.
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
We provide the ingredients, you provide the creativity! Have a delicious time building a better meal- from appetizer to entree to dessert! Come hungry and ready for a challenge!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
The Adult Book Club will meet on July 11 at 5:30 pm to discuss Eric Rill's An Absent Mind. Copies of the book may be checked out at the front desk. Seventy-one, and a man used to controlling those around him, Saul struggles to make peace with his disconnected family before Alzheimer’s consumes his sanity. His […]
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Repurpose old books by creating your own book journal. We have the books (or you can bring your own) and all the supplies, you bring your imagination and creativity!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Join us for our final summer reading program story time featuring stories that "Build a Better World". Today we will build stories together with an AUTHOR! We will have a special guest read 3-4 stories, do some movement/song activities and end with a fun build-your-own-story craft!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!
Come to our third after-hours Teen Lock-in to celebrate the end of Summer Reading! There will be games, food, and unlimited fun! Permission Slip Required!
Orange City Public Library
112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA, United States
Learn Spanish & English words through stories, songs, and play! Featuring only two stories each time, this story time is a lot like Movin’ & Groovin’ story time with a Spanish flare. Be ready for an energizing, fast paced morning! ¡Aprendan palabras en Español y Inglés a través de cuentos, canciones, y juegos!