Household Hazardous Materials Recycle Event-September 18


Orange City and Alton household residents (sorry no businesses) will again have an opportunity to safely discard those household hazardous materials (HHM). The Cities of Orange City, Alton, and the NW IA Area Landfill will co-sponsor an HHM Recycling event.

Date: Wednesday, September 18th
Time: Between the hours of 4:00pm and 6:00pm
Place: Orange City Street Department Building
(Just just south of Ace Hardware. 809 Concord Place SE.)

Accepted items: degreaser, waxes/polishes, solvents, lacquers/thinners, caustic cleaners, stain removers, pesticides/herbicides, and oil-based paints. (latex paints will be assessed a $1/gal. fee).

Go to for a complete list of acceptable/unacceptable items.