orange city recycles: notes on acceptable materials
Did you know that about 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, yet the average recycling rate is only 28%?
When recycling materials, please be conscious of which items are acceptable for including in your blue recycling bin. A list of both recyclable and non-recyclable materials per the Northwest Iowa Landfill is noted below, and more information can be found in this brochure. Thank you for your effort in creating a clean and healthy environment!
recyclable materials:
- mixed paper – office paper, colored paper, shiny paper, envelopes (transparent windows okay), junk mail, catalogs (reduce to 1/2 inch thick), newspapers, brown paper bags, magazines (reduce to 1/2 inch thick), phone books (reduce to 1/2 inch thick), shredded paper (bag it separately), hardcover books (remove covers, reduce to 1/2 inch thick), paperback books (reduce to 1/2 inch thick), fiber board (cereal boxes, soda boxes), paper egg cartons
- aluminum and metals – aluminum & tin cans, aluminum foil & pans, clean all cans, foil and pans
- corrugated cardboard – corrugated cardboard, pizza boxes (must be clean), break it down and flatten!
- plastic – all plastic containers labeled 1-5, milk and juice jugs, pop and water bottles, dish and liquid soap bottles, bleach and detergent containers, ice cream tubs and yogurt cups, cooking oil containers, lotion bottles, household cleaning containers Clean – no liquids, lids or caps and pumps
- glass – glass needs to be dropped off in the bins located at the City Street Department. (809 Concord Place SE)
non-recyclable materials:
- food & paper waste – frozen food & juice boxes, food wrappers & bags, dirty paper plates, cups & napkins, food waste (uneaten food), tissues, paper towels, wax paper
- plastic – all plastic containers labeled 6-7, plastic containers with no numbered label, styrofoam & packing peanuts, plastic bags, plastic utensils, cups & plates, disposable diapers, plastic food wrapping, Tupperware containers, medical supplies and sharps, plastic toys
- batteries and cell phones – due to fire hazard, no batteries and cell phones will be accepted at the Recycling Center, but are accepted at Northwest Iowa Household Hazardous Material Regional Collection Center
- misc. – garbage, soiled mattress pads, landscaping material