Streetscape 2014
Over the course of this summer the Orange City Street Department will carrying out plans to improve some of the side streets downtown that lead to Central Ave. Below is an estimate of when different parts of the project are expected to be completed. Keep in mind these are estimates and that the actual dates may change based on weather and other circumstances outside of anyone’s control. Businesses affected by the street closings will NOT be closed because of the construction. People wanting to access them are encouraged to use sidewalk access and side street parking.
The Northwestern Bank Drive Thru will be open for walk up service, and the businesses located on 2nd St NW will still be open. This includes Dr. Dave Gohman, Windmill Park Jewelers, Bibles for Missions, and Perkins Office Solutions. Parking for these businesses is limited so please park on nearby streets and access them via the sidewalk.
2nd Street NE
Paving on the week of June 23rd
Open for traffic the week of June 30th
2nd Street NW
Started 6/17/14 and is planned to be finished during the first half of July.
2nd St NW
other side streets with tba construction dates
2nd Street SW
This is the street directly north of the courthouse
1st Street W
This is the street directly north of New York Life
Central Ave
Construction will take place between 3rd St N and 5th St N