City Planning Updates

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Planning for a Vibrant Future

The City of Orange City is planning for the future. This is a several month process that will be completed in early summer of 2021. Here is how we got to this point:

After the school bond issue passed, the school district and the City started working together for a site for the new school & to address what will happen to the old elementary building. In addition to that, the regional airport had opened and we have nearly 80 acres of the former airport that will need to be redeveloped. Furthermore, the City traded Vander Pol Excavating land which has resulted in 12 acres of commercial property that needs to be redeveloped. With all of this, the Vision 2035 strategic plan is now 4 years old and in need of review.

With all of this in mind, leadership determined that we need assistance with master planning for the community. In June of 2020, a committee was formed to create an RFP in order to find a company to assist us with planning. Our goal was to find a company that could review Vision 2035 and update to our current situation. We also wanted a company that could evaluate existing sites that need to be redeveloped, make recommendations and to help us estimate costs to accomplish our goals. This is necessary in order to prioritize because of the scope of potential projects and the need to do it within our financial means. We also want to project other opportunities or goals that the community would like to accomplish and to work those into the new community masterplan. Community input has been an important factor in creating the plan and selecting the firm to assist us.

What’s been done

  • In July of 2020, the RFP’s were sent out and had an August deadline for return. In August the selection committee narrowed the firms considered to three and interviewed them.
  • In September of 2020, ISG, Inc. was selected to assist us through the process – – ISG has all of the departments in house (planning, engineering & landscape architecture). The scope of our project is to look at the specific properties listed above, plan for housing growth, commercial & residential growth and quality of life.
  • In October, we had our initial meeting with the ISG team. This was after we provided them with a great deal of background material for them to review. (Download Planning Process Objectives)
  • In November of 2020, we completed Phase 1. During that phase we had over 50 community leaders representing many groups and organizations come to the event center to participate in reviewing Vision 2035 & to provide feedback for additional elements to incorporate into a plan.
  • In December the steering committee again met with ISG to review the results from the November meetings & to solicit additional input from the stakeholders to date. ISG then prepared an interim summary that was distributed to all of the participants of Phase 1. Can we place another QR code here and title it “Community Development Plan Interim Summary” (see attached) In January, ISG met with the steering committee to review some initial concepts to prepare to present to the user group participants and then to begin to present to the public. (Download Community Development Plan Interim Summary)
  • ISG is preparing materials for presentations for the community leaders, user group members & the public to get input and to adjust the plans. We are currently in Phase 3.

What’s next

In March we will begin the process of engaging the public and to start to refine a plan.

We have been working with a 4 person team from ISG which is comprised of the company president (civil engineer), a planner, an economic developer & a landscape architect. They have been and will be the front line people who will come to Orange City, meet with groups, conduct the meetings and then go back to engage the ISG team. They have followed the outline and have been very thorough thus far.

We look forward to getting input from the community and to share the plan as it is developed.

Orange City Community Growth & Development Plan Open House

Stop by when it works for you!

Date: Tuesday, March 30
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Prairie Winds Event Center Orange City, Iowa


  • View concepts and provide input relating to Housing
  • Commercial + Industrial Development
  • Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
  • Downtown

Share your 20-year vision to keep Orange City a wonderful place to live, work, and play!

Community Development Plan Complete (08/21)

After nearly a year of work, a master plan focusing on key areas of development for Orange City is complete!

This plan was put together by ISG Architecture Engineering and Planning Firm with the help and input of Orange City’s City Council, community leaders, community user groups, and citizens.

This plan looks at new ideas and estimated costs for housing, commercial development, industrial development, quality of place amenities, and the old MOC-Floyd Valley Elementry School site in Orange City.

During the August 2nd City Council meeting, the plan was presented, approved, and adopted.

As community leaders look toward growing Orange City, this plan will serve as a roadmap to set priorities, identify partners, and begin working.

While this will take many years to complete, the plan will be evaluated and adjusted annually.

There is a copy of the plan available at the City Office for citizens to review.

Timeline of events:

  • August 2021:

    Community Development Plan Complete

  • May 2021:

    Progress Update

  • March 2021

    "Share Your Vision" Open House

  • March 2021

    Begin Public Engagement

  • 2018

    Milestone Title

  • September 2020

    ISG, Inc. was Selected as Partner

  • October 2020

    Initial meeting with the ISG team

  • November 2020

    Phase 1 Completed

  • December 2020

    Review of ISG Results

  • January 2021

    ISG Meets with Steering Committee

  • July 2020

    RFP’s Sent Out

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