Ages 4 years old – entering 5th grade Fall 2017

June 11-15 (Sunday-Thursday)

Time: 6:15-8pm
(Join us for supper on Sunday at 5:30pm before the first night’s activities!)

Faith Lutheran Church
710 8th St. SE Orange City



Faith Ablaze – Camp VBS 2017

Activities  include five evenings of Bible stories, skits, crafts, and songs that have to do with Bible stories involving fire:

  • Sunday, children will begin the week as they are drawn in by Flames that Invite, as they learn about God appearing to Moses in the burning bush.
  • Monday, they follow God leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to their Promised Land, as He appears to them in a pillar of fire (Flames that lead).
  • Tuesday, the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego enduring the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezer illustrates how God sometimes uses Flames that test to lead us to trust in Him for deliverance.
  • Wednesday’s story takes us to a campfire scene, where we see our Risen Lord and His disciples experiencing breakfast. Flames that feed looks beyond the physical food they shared to the Bread of Life, Himself, who feeds us, daily, with His Word.
  • Thursday children relive the Pentecost account in Acts 2 and experience being sent out as well, with the power of God’s Holy Spirit, to share the good news message of salvation with Flames that blaze.

Registration Deadline: June 1

Grade preschool–5

Monday-Wednesday: July 17-19

6:30 – 8:00 pm

Location: Watch the Advisor for details on backyards in your neighborhood!


BBX, Backyard Bible eXplore

BBX, Backyard Bible eXplore, is happening this summer July 17-19, 6:30pm-8:00 pm. Join a backyard in your neighborhood to hear all how we are all Children of the Light”! Watch for backyard locations in the Advisor this summer!

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