1st & 2nd Grade Basketball
Tuesday or Thursday Jan. 17–Feb. 20 @ 5:00–6:00pm
what? This six sessions program is open to boys and girls in 1st and 2nd grade. The first three sessions will teach basic skills and they will play some fun games. The final three sessions will introduce “3-on-3” games.
where? City Hall gym
when? The program begins the week of Tuesday January 17. Choose between Tuesday or Thursday at 5:00–6:00pm. Cost is $15/child.
Monday, January 9 is the registration deadline.
Late registration is $20/child.
You can register you child HERE or drop off a registration form at City Hall (125 Central Ave SE) by Monday, January 9.
Parents coaches are needed!
Having mutiple coaches per team will allow for flexibility in time demands. If we do not have enough parents to coach, the program will be cancelled. Please consider this opportunity even if you have little or no soccer knowledge. We need you! Program fee will be waived for your child. Thanks!
In case of bad weather the activity will be cancelled. Call 712-707-4888 or visit OrangeCityIowa.com for cancellation announcements.
For more information contact Mitch Aalbers, Parks and Recreation Director, at 712-707-4885 or prdir@orangecityiowa.com.