Fine Art Sale to Benefit Luke Society
UncategorizedOrange City, IA (May 1-2, 2014)
Elinor Noteboom, a regionally noted artist, has released a portion of her collection to be sold with proceeds benefiting the Luke Society. The sale will be held on May 1-2 in the lower level of the Iowa State…

Woudstra Meat Market Wins 2 New Awards
UncategorizedCongratulations to Woudstra Meat Market!
The 78th Annual Convention of the Iowa Meat Processors Association was held at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center and the ISU Meat Laboratory in Ames, IA on Feb. 13-16, 2014. Processors from 38…

Ben Franklin to Open in Former Bomgaars Building
The Orange City Development Corporation announced today the future opening of a Ben Franklin Crafts store in the former Bomgaars Supply store building on Orange City’s main street. Phil and Lori Warnke will be opening their second…

Tulip Festival’s 2014 Night Show Tickets
UncategorizedTickets for Orange City Tulip Festival’s 2014 Night Show, “The Music Man” will go on sale on Monday, March 3. The production will begin at 8:00 in the evening on May 14, 15, 16 and 17 at the Unity Christian Knight Center. Tickets are $15…

Northwestern College Calendar of Events: March 2014
14 Preview Day, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Northwestern College
A cappella Choir home concert, 7:30 p.m., Christ Chapel, Northwestern College
17–21 …

Israeli Ensemble Baladino to Perform: March 24-28
UncategorizedORANGE CITY – A world music ensemble from Israel will perform in Orange City and surrounding towns March 24-28, as part of a multi-city Midwest tour.
The five-member folk group, Baladino, takes its audience on a journey through music of the…

Calling All Lifeguards!
Lifeguard certification class available in Sheldon at the Holiday Inn for $150.
• March 3-7 from 5-9 pm
• and March 8 from 8am-12pm
Lifeguard applications for Orange City and Alton pools will be available
Feb. 18th on the City of Orange…

Judy Thompson Water Color & Drawing Series
ORANGE CITY – Artist Judy Thompson will offer a series of drawing and watercolor classes for adults, beginning in early March.
On Monday evenings, March 3-24, Thompson will teach "Drawing FUNdamentals I for Adults." The class will explore…

Northwestern College Calendar of Events
1 Guest vocal recital by Holly Bewlay, assistant professor of music at the State University of New York, Buffalo State, 7:30 p.m., Christ Chapel, Northwestern College
3–21 Art exhibit by…

Orange City Arts Council Regional Exhibition
UncategorizedFifteen regional artists will be featured in the Orange City Arts Council's exhibit Feb. 14-22 at the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center at Northwestern College. A reception with the artists will be Sat., Feb. 22 from 6:00 to 7:00pm.
The juried exhibit,…

Second City Improv All-Stars
ORANGE CITY – It's true. Chicago's legendary comedy theatre, Second City, is coming to northwest Iowa. Second City's Improv All-Stars will perform at the Unity Christian Knight Center in Orange City Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7:00pm.

Donor “perks” for Orange City Arts Council donors
UncategorizedORANGE CITY – The Orange City Arts Council will be conducting its 2013-2014 fundraising phone-a-thon in January, and appreciates your support.
Donations are essential to keep the arts alive and growing in the area. Each year, the Orange…

christmas trees disposal
UncategorizedIf you need to dispose of your “real” Christmas tree after the holiday season, OC residents are reminded that a complimentary pickup service will be provided on Saturday, Jan. 4th. Please set your tree out at your regular pickup site by…

winter heating cost preview
UncategorizedAs the weather cools down, we start to get customer questions about our projections for home heating costs. Heating costs are dependent upon two main factors: temperatures and the market price of natural gas.
While we can't predict the weather,…

keep your sidewalks clear
Property owners are encouraged to keep their walkways cleared this winter, especially when you are out of town. When removing snow, never push or blow snow from the property, sidewalk,…

heating season: natural gas safety
UncategorizedWe want you to know how to safely use natural gas in your home and to recognize hazards when they occur.
gas leaks
While natural gas is typically a safe and efficient fuel choice, it is important to recognize that it is a flammable

Puddle Jumper #5 Lots are for sale!
UncategorizedThe City of Orange City is pleased to announce that the low cost residential lots in our Puddle Jumper 5th
Addition are now available for sale to the public. This addition is directly south of Orange City Area Health
System and Puddle Jumper…

mayor douma provides december update for citizens
UncategorizedWelcome to the Mayor’s Update.
The Mayor’s Update is an attempt, on a monthly basis, to better inform Orange City’s citizens and others on the progress and activities occurring within the community. City Council decisions, retail and…

on sale | christmas bonus bucks
UncategorizedThe Orange City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Christmas Bonus Bucks are on sale today! You can buy Chamber Bucks at a 10% discount thanks to over 30 local businesses that made this years discounted bonus bucks program possible. Stop…

orange city development corp. announces significant projects
Contact: Marty Guthmiller, Orange City Development Corp.,
712-541-1030; guthmilm@ochealthsystem.org
New Hampton Inn, Casey's General…

orange city’s got talent winners
UncategorizedORANGE CITY – Amanda Haverdink, Andres Ortiz Cantu and The Acappellors took the prizes in the third annual Orange City's Got Talent!
The event was held Wednesday, June 19 at Windmill Park in Orange City. The ten acts included The Hull…

mayor to not seek re-election
UncategorizedMy present term as Mayor of Orange City comes to a close at the end of this calendar year. This letter is to inform the Council, the City Manager and the citizens of Orange City that I do not intend to seek another term as Mayor of Orange City.

Mural Dedication
The new mural in downtown Orange City will be dedicated at 9:30 am on Thursday, June 13th.
Mark Alsum
Mark Alsum is an artist who graduated from Northwestern College. Mark created the mural over the course of several…

storm damage announcements
UncategorizedMany OC residents have experienced damage to their homes due to this past weekend's heavy rainfall. Cleanup is underway to remove and dispose of damaged floor covering and other personal items. As you look to restore your homes, Community…

73rd Annual Tulip Festival starts Thursday May 16
UncategorizedGoto: octulipfestival.com for more information