OC’s annual Spring Clean-Up, sponsored by the City of OC and OC Sanitation, will be held April 22-26. OC residents must purchase a $15 lawn flag (one for each household) from the City Office (125 Central Ave. SE) or OC Sanitation (710 Ohio Ave. SW). Sanitation crews will only remove those items that have a special lawn flag displayed nearby. All disposed items must be placed at your usual pick-up site on your regular garbage pick-up day. Please keep garbage toters 3-5 feet away from any piles or obstacles.
Allowable items:
Normal household trash and home cleanup, furniture, wood items, mattresses, and carpets. Metal/iron is allowable and will be picked up the night before your regular garbage pick up, but must be set to the side of the other items that qualify for the Spring cleanup.
Non-allowable items:
All appliances/white goods, TV’s (may dispose of with e-recycling), building/remodeling materials, wood chips, auto parts (tires, batteries, etc.), concrete, steel/iron, yard waste, tree branches, oil, yard chemicals, or wet paints.
For non-allowable items, contact OC Sanitation at 712-737-2645 to get options for proper disposal of these items.