Northwestern College art exhibit featuring Dordt College faculty works

Northwestern College’s Te Paske Gallery 300 8th Street Southeast, Orange City

An exhibit featuring works by Dordt College art faculty will be on display in Northwestern College's Te Paske Gallery through February 5. The Te Paske Gallery is part of the […]

Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees

Orange City Public Library 112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City

The library board of trustees will hold their monthly meeting in the Reickhoff Room. Items up for discussion will include budget planning and potential remodel plans.

tulip festival night show auditions

City Hall 125 Central Ave SE, Orange City

Auditions for the 2016 Tulip Festival Night Show, “West Side Story,” are scheduled for three dates in January. Individuals age 16 and older are invited to audition. Auditions for the Night […]