free automatic withdraw for utilities option

September 20, 2023/by Michael Kelly

revealed: the secret of great tulips

September 20, 2023/by Michael Kelly

Home Energy Assistance Program

September 20, 2023/by Orange City Office

Identifying Emerald Ash Borer Diseased Trees on City Property

September 15, 2023/by Orange City Office

HHM event set for Tuesday, September 19th

August 22, 2023/by Orange City Office

Meet Sarah Anderson

August 22, 2023/by Orange City Office

Museum Receives $5,000 Grant From State Historical Society

August 22, 2023/by Orange City Office

Meet Akeyma Fedders

August 22, 2023/by Orange City Office

Orange City’s Total Property Tax Levy Rate Ranks 550th in the State

August 22, 2023/by Orange City Office

fall pool hours – 2023

August 15, 2023/by Orange City Parks and Recreation

Flag Football for Youth 1St-6Th Grade – Registration opens August 14

August 9, 2023/by Orange City Parks and Recreation

Addressing a Need

July 24, 2023/by Orange City Office

Progress Continues on Development Opportunities

July 24, 2023/by Orange City Development Director

Introducing Orange City’s New Inclusive Park: A Gateway to Fun and Adventure

July 6, 2023/by Orange City Office

City of Orange City Customer Appreciation Picnic, July 12

June 7, 2023/by Orange City Office

Tis the Season…for Weeds

May 25, 2023/by Orange City Office

Reserve Your Favorite Park

May 25, 2023/by Orange City Office

reminders for the use of the city compost and brush site

April 28, 2023/by Orange City Office

Siren Test: First Friday – May through October

April 28, 2023/by Orange City Office

2023 Summer Rec Programs – Register May 1

March 31, 2023/by Orange City Parks and Recreation

Free E-Recycling Program May 5 & 6

March 31, 2023/by Orange City Office

Orange City’s Annual Spring Clean-up April 24-28

March 31, 2023/by Orange City Office

Residential Recycle Changing Effective April 1

March 21, 2023/by Orange City Office
Spring Boys and Girls Soccer

Youth Boys & Girls Soccer Sign-Up opens March 1

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February 23, 2023/by Michael Kelly