Shelter Houses

Windmill Park Shelter House
Shelter HousesWindmill Park: $50
Windmill Park shelter house is in our park on Central Avenue. This shelter house can seat 64-70 people. It is an open-air shelter house.

Veteran’s Park Shelter House
Shelter Houses
Veteran’s Park Shelter House: $50
Our Veteran's Park Shelter has access to 8 tables with an oven, refrigerator, sink, as well as basketball, pickelball, dog park, and playground equipment.
Pick up for keys to this facility is at…

Scout House
Shelter Houses
Scout House: $50
Our Scout House is located in Veteran's Park and has bathrooms, sink, stove, and a refrigerator. We have 8 round tables for guests, and many park amenities around this shelter.
Pick up for keys to this facility is…

Pool Shelter House
Shelter HousesPool Shelter House: $50 - The pool shelter house is located by the Orange City Swimming Pool. This shelter house can hold 70-80 people. It is not heated or air-conditioned but has windows with screens that can be opened.