Orange City Pool
prdir@orangecityiowa.com or parkrecasst@orangecityiowa.com
(712)707-2500 or (712)707-4885
Orange City Municipal Aquatic Facility will be sponsoring special days and events this summer. Dates, times, and details are listed below and will be posted at the pool throughout the summer.
Theme Night
A day for you and your family to participate in the party theme of the month! Participate in games and an opportunity to win prizes. Theme night will take place on the 2nd Friday of the month. The party theme of the month will be decided a week from the designated Friday. This will be posted on our Facebook page and pool site.
Floatie Fridays
Every Friday night, all summer long, floating beach toys will be allowed after 6:00pm! Please limit raft size to under 4‘X6‘. Toys will be subject to pool management‘s discretion.
Dollar Day
The first and last Saturday of the season, June 6 and September 5th, anyone can get into the pool for $1.
Christmas in July
Come to the pool on July 25 for a day of fun food and prizes! Register to win! Music, games and food!! Don‘t miss out on this fun day!
Dog Swim
Pool finale! Bring your dog for a dip on a day to be announced after the pool is closed for the season. Watch the website and Advisor for details.