Orange City Pool
(712)707-9494 or (712)707-2500
The Orange City Municipal Aquatic Facility will offer group lessons. These lessons are taught by certified Water Safety Instructors following the current American Red Cross program. Lesson sign-ups can occur at the pool once open for the season with no late fees. Fees must be paid at time of registration. Fees cannot be waived.
Lesson Descriptions
Parent/Child Aquatics $15
30 min/day—A parent or other care-giving adult is required to accompany each child in the water and participate in the classes. Designed for children 18 months to 4 years.
Level 1 $25
45 min/day—Introduction to water skills. Orient to aquatic environment and create a sound foundation for aquatic and safety skills. Recommended ages 4–6
Level II $25
45 min/day—Fundamental aquatic skills. Teaches fundamental aquatic locomotion and safety skills. Recommended ages 4–7
Level III $25
45 min/day—Stroke development. Increase swimming competency and practice safety and non-swimming rescue skills. Recommended ages 6–9
Level IV $25
45 min/day—Stroke improvement. Develops confidence in the strokes learned and to improve other aquatic skills. Recommended ages 7–10
Level V $25
45 min/day—Stroke refinement. Stroke refinement plus introduction of butterfly, surface dives and spring board diving. Recommended ages 8–12
Level VI $25
Swimming and skill proficiency. Develop maximum efficiency and endurance for strokes and other aquatic activities. Recommended ages 10–13
Basic Water Rescue $25
Skills and information will be taught to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies. This course will also prepare individuals for aquatic emergencies by teaching them how to protect themselves while assisting others. Students will be certified as a shallow water guard. Recommended ages 12+
GuardStart $25
A stepping stone between Basic Water Rescue and Lifeguard Training. This program will introduce students to the skills needed for entry to the American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course. Class will focus on communication and decision making skills as well as the basic responsibilities of a lifeguard.
Recommended ages 12-14
The GuardStart program involves a significant amount of physical activity. Before entering the program, participants must demonstrate these skills:
• Swim the front crawl 25 yards continuously while
breathing to the front or side.
• Tread water for 1 minute using arms and legs.
• Submerge and swim a distance of 10 feet under water.
Session Dates & Times
Levels 1-5 are offered in all three sessions, Monday-Thursday for two weeks. Parents-child aquatics are offered in session 2 and 3, Monday-Thursday for one week. (Fridays will be a make-up day if needed) Regular attendance is required. Advanced levels—Level VI, Basic Water Rescue, and Guard Start—ONLY offered during session 2 and 3 for 1 or 2 weeks depending on class size.
Session 1: June 3 – 14th
Session 2: June 17 – 28th
Session 3: July 1 – 12th – No lessons on July 4
Class Times
Levels 1–5
Parent-Child Aquatics: 7:00-7:30pm
Advanced Levels
Advancing Levels
A level must be successfully completed before registering for the ensuing level.
Class attendance is important. If parents feel it is necessary for a child not to go in the water on a particular day, they should send a note for the instructor along with the child. It is important for the child to attend class even if they will not be entering the water.
Registration Information
Registration can be done online or in-person at the front desk.
The first week of pool season starting at 12:30 pm. Pass holders will have a picture taken and a key fob assigned to them.
Note to parents: Parents are not required to stay. If Parents or other observers choose to stay, they are required to remain outside the pool or in the picnic area during lessons to minimize any distractions for the instructors and especially students. For more information please call 712-707-9494 or 712-707-2500.