Support Your Orange City: Look Local First!
Front Page, News, nowhttps://orangecityiowa.com/details/look-local-first-orange-city/

COVID-19 Residential Utility Disruption Prevention Program
COVID Resources, Front Page, News, now, Personal and Family Resources
grants and low interest loans available to assist low and moderate income homeowners with home repairs
Front Page, News, now
Please note – the City of Orange City has one polling location at Prairie Winds Event Center
City Official, Front Page, News, now, Uncategorized

Census 2020 – Time is running out. Respond now.
Front Page, News, nowhttps://2020census.gov/en.html?utm_campaign=20200916pmc20s1ccptnrs&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Substantially reduce water use for lawn sprinkling systems through Labor Day
City Official, Front Page, now

Restaurant & Small Retail Rebate Bucks Initiative
Business, COVID-19, Front Page, now, Shopping, Special Focus

2020 Census – You Can Do Your Part
City Official, COVID-19 FAQs, COVID-19 Official Notices, Front Page, now, Public Service
Spring E-Recycling Event Set for May 1 and 2 – Postponed Indefinitely
City Official, COVID-19, COVID-19 Official Notices, Front Page, News, now, Urgent

Notice to Bidders: PJ 10th IC 7th Subdivision Improvement
nowNotice is hereby given that sealed bids for the Puddle Jumper Trail Tenth Addition and Industrie Centrum 7th Addition Subdivision Improvements will be received at the City Offices of the City of Orange City, Iowa, at 125 Central Avenue SE, before…

Notice to Bidders-5th Street NE and Downtown Alley Improvements
Front Page, nowNotice is hereby given that sealed bids for the 5th Street NE and Downtown Alley Improvements will be received at the City Offices of the City of Orange City, Iowa, at 125 Central Avenue SE,before 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 20th day of March…