Small Business Workshop & Open Dialogue with the IRS – January 21st

Small Business Workshop & Open Dialogue with the IRS - January 21st HAV flyer - (Final) January 21 2021

Now Hiring: Library Assistant – Part Time

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The Orange City Public Library has an opening for a library assistant. This position is part-time 20 hours per week. The position includes weekdays, evenings and weekends. Responsibilities include customer service, circulation services and technology…

Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans

What Small Businesses Need to Know About the New Pandemic Relief Package – Changes to PPP and More…

Support Your Orange City: Look Local First!

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Census 2020 – Time is running out. Respond now.

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Below is the link for the IEDA SMALL BUSINESS UTILITY DISRUPTION PREVENTION program – the program is now active. AVAILABLE UTILITY BILL ASSISTANCE Electric and natural gas utility bill assistance for actual utility debt incurred for…

IEDA Announces COVID-19 Small Business Utility Disruption Prevention Program

The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) today announced the launch of the new Small Business Utility Disruption Prevention Program. The program will provide short-term relief to eligible small businesses and nonprofits that faced significant…

Ciras IA COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist

Ciras IA COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist